Located at the base of Inspiration Point, down the quieter (and well treed) end of Southbank, the Massage tent is staffed by a team of qualified professionals. They specialise in achy back, taut shoulder and geez I wish I didn’t forget a pillow crinked neck. They can also release tension caused by plain old over stimulation.
From the Amphitheatre, turn left at the stage (when looking at it) and walk past the food stalls to the clearing where the Estonian rock garden is, and the big old gum trees survey the scene.
Open 9:30am to late on Saturday and Sunday, plus 9:30am to 11am on Monday.
Sessions can be as long or as short as you like. Please ensure you and your massage therapist are clear on what you would like your massage to involve.
If you have access requirements, bookings can be made in advance via massage@mmf.com.au. Otherwise you’ll need to head over to the tent to make a booking.