Online Sales

Tickets to Golden Plains XVII are now sold out. I’m sorry if you missed out.

If you would like to, you can join Aunty’s Golden Waitlist.


Online Sales happen each year after the Ballot is done. 

You do not need to have a Golden Code to purchase online. A limit of 4 tickets per customer is in place.

Please note you need to be 18 years of age to attend Golden Plains; anyone under 18 must be accompanied by a Legal Guardian.

Here’s some FAQs about Online Sales

Q. How long do we have to complete our transaction in the Online Allocation?
A. You will have 12 minutes to complete your transaction. (Note: this 12 minute window does not apply to sales in the Ballot. Ballot winners have around 7 days to make their transaction).

Q. How long will the Online Allocation take to sell out?
A. Not long, judging by previous years.

Q. If I purchase, when are tickets sent out to me?
A. First week of February.

Q. Do I need to provide names for the tickets?
A. No.